Wednesday, 8 October 2014

Comprendre la crise économique actuelle -- Une approche écosocialiste

Dear friends,

 In 2010, I wrote and published the paper

Understanding the present-day World Economic Crisis – An Eco-Socialist


In 2012, my francophone Belgian friends kindly translated it into French. Since I do not have a blog in French, it was posted on the German language website of the Initiative Eco-Socialism.

    Since, however, because of the language barrier, this website is hardly known in francophone countries, I am posting the paper in this English language blog of mine. I hope all educated French people can also effortlessly read English.

    If you know potentially interested people in French reading countries, I would be much obliged if you could inform them about the availability of this text in French.

With best wishes

Saral Sarkar

Here is the Link:


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