On the 18th the Scots
took a vote on the question whether Scotland should
secede from the United Kingdom (UK) and become an independent state. The majority of the voters (55%) said no. The so-called
unionists, the no-voters,
of course initially rejoiced at the
outcome of the referendum. Later,
however, many of them
expressed worry about it, because it
was found that a very
large minority, 45 percent of the voters, wanted
Scotland to leave the Union. This is too high a percentage to return to business-as-usual.
Indeed, shortly before the referendum, after an opinion poll had predicted a majority for the yes-voters, the
government in London and all the leaders of the three major parties had panicked. This was followed by big promises of reform and more autonomy for Scotland. For the English majority of the UK, and also the Scottish
unionists, feared that exit of Scotland
from the union would
have unforeseeable negative economic
and political consequences for all parts of the UK.
The yes-voters had no such fear.
They were totally confident that an independent Scotland would not only be economically viable
but also be a success story. When asked about this, they said an independent Scotland with its only 5.3 million inhabitants (in a total population of
nearly 64 million) would be a
rich country. The main reason for
this confidence was the North Sea oil. For about
90 percent of the deposits
belonging to the United Kingdom would, in the case of secession, belong to Scotland.
The other major event was a global
day of action. On 21st
September, in each of over 150 cities around the world
thousands of people (in New York three hundred thousand)
demonstrated in order to give voice to their demand that the
presidents and prime ministers of the states of the world
finally take concrete and effective measures
for climate protection. Even UN
Secretary General Ban Ki Moon, who had invited the
latter to New York for a consultation on climate change, marched with
the demonstrators.
Hardly convincing arguments
What I found disconcerting
in the independence movement of the Scots was their
argumentation. They did not say that they were being
oppressed or somehow disadvantaged by the English majority. The laws of
the UK were equally valid for all
its member peoples – the English, the Scots, the Welsh and the Northern Irish. The Scots even enjoy for now several years a certain degree of autonomy. They even have
their own government. They of
course say they are Scots,
not Britons. But how strong and how widespread is this
sense of identity? All Scots speak and write English
as their main language, Scottish-Gaelic is spoken by only 1 percent. They are all white
(except for immigrants from South Asia and Africa),
and they are
all Christians. A
person has after all, usually, several identities!
One can of course say, to want to be independent is very human, both for individuals and for a
people. A disappointed yes-voter said
after the referendum, he could
not understand that a people
does not want its independence. But, in the real world,
neither individuals nor a people can
follow only their feelings. All must also
weigh advantages against disadvantages of possible decisions. The majority of Scots, on
both sides, have done that. During
their campaign, the independence
advocates repeatedly emphasized that
secession from the United Kingdom would bring
no economic disadvantages
for the Scots. When the no-voters argued that the oil wealth would not
last long, the yes-voters
simply asserted that there is still
a lot of oil under the seabed. They also wanted, for practical reasons, to both continue
after independence to use the pound
sterling as their currency and
let the British Monarch function as their Head of state.
Not willing to
share the wealth
There can be several
motives for an action. Just wanting to be independent has certainly
been a strong motive for the Scots.
Anyhow, among them, there was a lot of antipathy toward the central
government dominated by English
Tories and their policies, especially toward their economic policies
favorable to the rich and hostile
to the poor. And the Labor Party has also been quite strong there. So, many
Scots thought they could pursue a better policy for
themselves if Scotland could secede from the United Kingdom. Moreover, a people
cannot forget its history totally. Scotland's union with England 307
years ago was not really a
voluntary one. The Scots remember they were compelled to
accept it because of an economic crisis and military superiority of the English
kingdom that was threatening to invade their country. However,
I suspect that in the present
independence movement a different motive played the main
role. As mentioned above, independence advocates think there still is a lot of oil in the oil fields in
their part of the North Sea. This oil wealth, the income
from it, they do not want to share
any longer with the other British
Not being any longer prepared
to share “their” wealth with
the poorer peoples in the same state is
a motive that plays the main role in other (though not
all) separatist movements too.
This also works in states in which large deposits of valuable minerals do not play any role.
Thus Catalonia is, even without oil and other such valuable natural resources, the economically strongest province of Spain.
Although it is true that Catalans
have a developed language of their own, which they also use for
all purposes, and although it is true that they, therefore, strongly feel a Catalan
identity, it may be that not wanting any
more to share the wealth produced in their
province may be the unspoken main motive for their
current independence movement. This can also be said about the separatism of the Flemish people (in northern Belgium) and that of the northern Italians. In the Federal
Republic of Germany, the rich provinces – Bavaria, Baden Wurttemberg, and
Hessen – are of course not trying to secede, but since about ten years ago they
are unwilling to pay large sums of money to the poorer provinces, which they
are obliged to do according to the present constitution.
A convincing example
of how far this kind of separatism
can go is the tragic break up of the former socialist federal republic of Yugoslavia. It was accomplished through a brutal civil war
resulting from the selfish separatism of the Slovenes and Croats.
Misha Glenny, British
journalist and expert on the
Balkans, summarized in 1992 a
conversation on this topic that he had with Mate Babic, former
Deputy Prime Minister of the Croatian
government, as follows:
"[T] he imbalance between Slovene sophistication and the
developing-world conditions prevailing in Kosovo, southern Serbia and Macedonia
could only be rectified by massive state control of the economy. This created
resentment in the prosperous north, the fruits of whose productivity were
transferred to the dusty climates of the south where they rotted in the sun.
Above all, a taut mistrust grew up between Slovenia and Croatia [on the one
side], where a more industrious work ethic was the tradition, and Serbia [on
the other], the borderland of the Ottoman empire’s corrupt economic values.
Being inextricably involved with the Serbian economy, which appears to be
fuelled by lotus leaves, had a damaging long-term effect on the Croat and
Slovene economies. When the political decay in Yugoslavia accelerated,
following the multi-party elections in the republics, the economic tensions
ensured that this mistrust would deepen.” (Glenny 1996: 63f.)
Cooperation is
needed, not separation
But this is a very short-sighted
policy. The oil age is gradually
but surely nearing its end. The old oil fields and deposits of other important raw materials are rapidly
getting exhausted. Who has
not heard of peak oil, peak everything? With the
progressive rise in the price of crude oil – this main lubricant of
the world economy – the industrial countries that are
still rich but are not themselves oil producers, are losing the foundation of
their prosperity. That also is the main reason for the crisis (and/or stagnation) that is plaguing the world
economy for the last 6 years (see Sarkar 2011 & 2012). And even if the oil age is not going to come to an end soon,
global consumption of fossil fuels must be reduced rapidly in order to protect humanity from increasingly adverse climatic disasters. Humanity is in a pincer-grip crisis.
A solution
to this crisis is not in sight. One international climate summit is failing after the other. And it
is totally uncertain whether at all
and, if yes, to
what extent, the so-called
renewable energy sources
can one day replace the non-renewable
fossil and nuclear energy sources (see Sarkar
1999 & 2008).
Actually, in such a situation, the peoples of the world should rather pull together. They
should cooperate and jointly seek solutions to the
great problems humanity is facing today. The movements for splitting up existing states are therefore a very deplorable and
reprehensible development, especially
since they involve the risk of
violent conflict, even civil war. All peoples including minorities
that live in multiracial (multiethnic), multi-religious or multilingual countries
should rather fight
for human rights, minority rights, and the right to equal treatment, within the existing state.
Only when these rights have no chance of being accepted by the
powers that be, can, in my view, a separatist movement be justified. And a violent separatist movement can only be justified, if the
dominant people or the majority exercises a ruthless or brutal rule over the others. In
the world today, in most countries, even small cities and towns are populated
by different racial, ethnic, religious and language groups. In India, even
after the country was divided up in 1947 on the basis of religion, villages
have Muslim areas and Hindu areas. Should also such villages be split up?
It has also to be considered that
in today's globalized
neoliberal capitalism, it is the large transnational corporations with their global alliances
that are the most powerful rulers
of the world. It is a truism
that today's states have lost much of their former power. They are actually no longer fully sovereign.
Today, in the ultimate analysis, the main opponent of all political activists, no matter what their great cause is,
are these transnational corporations and their alliances. In this situation, we
can say: the smaller a country is, the more powerless it is, the
more it is at the mercy of large corporations,
the less sovereign it is, and the more it is reduced
to a stooge of the corporations.
Eco-socialists and like-minded people
know that for various reasons, in the long-term, political
and economic affairs
of societies must be managed in
small, largely self-sufficient and
largely autonomous units. But that situation is still far away. In the period of transition to our goal,
we must follow the motto “unity is strength”.
It is by now abundantly clear that only strong states and political unions like
the USA and the EU can to some extent control large corporations like
Google, Microsoft, Deutsche Bank, UBS etc. Today, separatist movements
are extremely counterproductive. They only distract us from
our original goal.
Glenny, Misha (1996) The Fall of Yugoslavia. London: Penguin.
Glenny, Misha (1996) The Fall of Yugoslavia. London: Penguin.
Sarkar, Saral
(1999) Eco-Socialism or Eco-Capitalism? –
A Critical Analysis of Humanity’s Fundamental Choices. London: Zed Books.
Sarkar, Saral & Bruno Kern (2008) Eco-Socialism or Barbarism – An Up-to-date Critique of Capitalism. Mainz,
Cologne: Initiative Eco-Socialism.
Sarkar, Saral (2011) Understanding the Present-day World Economic Crisis – An
Eco-Socialist Approach.
Sarkar, Saral
(2012) The Crises of Capitalism – A
Different Study of Political Economy. Berkeley (USA): Counterpoint.
I heartily welcome Scots' decision to stay united and also hope, and wish, that in the coming years unity factors would grow and separatist factors dwindle.