1. The history of capitalism has always been also the history of its crises.
This has been so because of its self-contradictory nature, which by itself
generates crises and undermines its own conditions of successful functioning.
Till now, capitalism has always proved flexible enough to ensure that these
crises did not lead to its end, although the price that humans and nature had
to pay for its survival has been high. Today however, all over the world, capitalism
is facing for the first time an insurmountable barrier, which has been set from
"outside", is of geological and physical nature and is, therefore,
final. This barrier consists in the limits to growth set by (1) depletion of
the non-renewable resources and (2) the declining ecological carrying capacity
of the earth, both of which are limited in any case. This is, so to speak, a
"pincer-grip crisis," from which there is no escape.
2. The ultimate cause of the
current financial, debt and economic crisis is precisely this: In many
countries, growth has come to an end. In others, the growth rate is declining.
The financial system as a whole rests on the expectation of steady growth. As
soon as it becomes apparent that this growth expectation cannot be met, the
financial system inevitably begins to falter. The conventional crisis theories
(also those of Marxist, Keynesian or Schumpeterian provenance) are no longer
sufficient to explain the crisis. Their recipes too are no longer effective.
Those who, for example, want to cope with the current debt crisis by means of
Keynesian stimulus policies – as an alternative to the prevailing austerity
measures – overlook the objective limits to growth, overlook that there is
little unexploited growth potential left that could be exploited.
3. In particular with the
catchword "green new deal", some people are spreading the illusion
that capitalist growth could be continued as before with other technical means.
It is being suggested that, through the use of renewable energies and
efficiency increasing technologies, "decoupling" of economic growth
and resource and energy consumption could be achieved to a sufficiently high
degree. This is one of the most dangerous illusions of
"eco-capitalism". In all technologies, potential for efficiency
increase is limited and subject to the law of diminishing marginal returns.
Likewise, the potential of renewable energies is not inexhaustible. The energy density that has until now been
available to us with the now dwindling fossil energy sources1,
cannot even be approximately achieved with the renewable energy sources. That
is, although we indeed have to use some "green technologies", at the
final count, significantly less net
energy will be available to us than today.
4. Not only global capitalism –
which, as we know, is dependent on continuous capital accumulation on an ever
higher scale and on a globally functioning strongly differentiated division of
labor – but also industrial society as a whole has reached a crisis point! Viewed
from the perspective of human history, industrial society is a singularity that
cannot be generalized – an exceptional situation of short duration enjoyable
only for a minority of humanity. It has only been possible on the basis of
massive exploitation of fossil fuels – first coal, then oil and gas. Future
sustainable societies will have to manage with a very modest resource base.
Mass motorized individual travel, the commonness of long-haul flights, etc.
will then no longer be possible. With renewable energies much fewer blast
furnaces can be fired, much less cement and aluminum can be produced etc. etc.
5. A major difference between a
Marxist understanding of socialism and that of "Initiative
Eco-Socialism" is: While Marx and Engels saw the world-historic role of
capitalism in the highest possible development of productive forces, on the
basis of which alone building a socialist (or communist) society is possible,
the "Initiative Eco-Socialism" says: exactly the opposite is the
case. A socialist (solidarity-based, egalitarian) society is independent of any
particular level of development of productive forces. Indeed, a high level
thereof can even be a hindrance to the purpose.
6. In future, the economy will
not only not grow any more, but it will inevitably shrink! Politically, we are
facing the choice between letting the shrinking process chaotically descend
upon us or to control and shape it consciously. In our sense, that would mean
to control and shape it in a just way and in the spirit of solidarity. The
economy will have to shrink until it has reached a state of stable equilibrium
("steady state").
7. Such a shrinking process
cannot however be managed within the framework of capitalist relations. In
standard economic terms, as we know, it would be tantamount to a deep
depression. That is, there would be large-scale destruction of capital, whole
industries would decline, and falling profit rates would prevent private
investment. A shrinking economy is in contradiction to the immanent growth
imperative of capitalism. That is, the process of gradual dismantling of the
industrial structure could only be organized beyond capitalism – and probably
defying its expected resistance.
8. Under the condition of scarce
and dwindling resources, market mechanisms no longer work effectively. A market
economy works effectively – if at all – only on condition that all market
participants can react flexibly and adequately to market signals. But dwindling
resource availability would entail that, in this area, we would have to do with
sellers’ markets. Then there would be serious misallocation of resources.
Scarce resources would not then flow to areas of the economy we as society
consider to be essential and desirable, but to those where sufficient
purchasing power exists. Under scarcity conditions, the market would not be
able to ensure a minimum level of social justice. This means that we would
need, instead of market mechanisms, conscious planning, quantitative controls,
price controls, a quota system etc.
9. In the first phase of
transformation of the economy – the shrinking phase – the state must
necessarily be a strong player. This is of course not an ideal solution.
Ideally, planning should be as decentralized as possible, with maximum
participation of the stakeholders, and it should aim at a high degree of
self-sufficiency of local communities. That is why bottom-up approaches in the
sense of a solidarity-based economy would be of central importance for the
transition period.
10. An eco-socialist economy
would be characterized by a strong emphasis on the local and the regional, and
it would strongly restrict long-distance trade.2 It would be
characterized by a much higher use of labor-intensive technologies (today's
high labor productivity is essentially the result of undesirably high resource consumption
in capital-intensive technologies)3, a much lower level of division
of labor,4 and a high degree of self-sufficiency.
11. In the light of this
perspective on the future, what is important now is (a) to develop concrete
exit strategies. That is, to see with which political steps a future
eco-socialist government could begin the process of dismantling the industrial
structure in a spirit of solidarity. (b) In this connection, we have to examine
whether some popular "leftist" policy proposals (such as a guaranteed
basic income paid out to all without condition) are compatible with an
eco-socialist perspective.
Bruno Kern
Initiative Eco-Socialism
(translated by Saral Sarkar)
website: www.oekosozialismus.net; our e-mail: info@oekosozialismus.net;
Contact: Initiative Eco-Socialism, c / o Bruno Kern, Mombacher Straße 75 A, 55122, Mainz.
Contact: Initiative Eco-Socialism, c / o Bruno Kern, Mombacher Straße 75 A, 55122, Mainz.
The following publications can be downloaded from our
website or can be purchased from the contact address:
Saral Sarkar, Eco-Socialism or Eco-Capitalism? – A
Critical Analysis of Humanity’s Fundamental Choices. London: Zed Books.
Saral Sarkar, The Crises of Capitalism – A Different Study
of Political Economy. Berkeley: Counterpoint. 2012.
Saral Sarkar and Bruno Kern, Eco-Socialism or Barbarism – An Up-to-date
Critique of Capitalism. Cologne and Mainz: 2008. (brochure)
Bruno Kern, “It Is Not Too Much To
Tell The People The Truth” (Ingeborg Bachmann) – Energy Transition
Between Infantile Fantasies and Disillusionment. Mainz: 2012. (Paper)
Saral Sarkar, Understanding the Present-day World Economic Crisis –
An Eco-Socialist Approach. Cologne: 2012. (brochure)
Some notes
added by Saral Sarkar:
1. When we say fossil energy
sources are dwindling, we should also note the recent surge in oil and gas
production in the USA made possible by fracking technology. However, fossil
energy obtained in this way is also nonrenewable. Many experts think that the
fracking boom will be over in six to seven years.
2. That would be necessary (a) because long-distance trade excessively pollutes the environment and (b) because goods imported from distant places elude control.
3. Moreover, labor-intensive technologies would be favored because they generate more jobs – a consideration that is very important in times when many jobs would necessarily and deliberately be destroyed through a policy of economic contraction.
4. A lower level of division of labor also results in more need for labor power.
2. That would be necessary (a) because long-distance trade excessively pollutes the environment and (b) because goods imported from distant places elude control.
3. Moreover, labor-intensive technologies would be favored because they generate more jobs – a consideration that is very important in times when many jobs would necessarily and deliberately be destroyed through a policy of economic contraction.
4. A lower level of division of labor also results in more need for labor power.